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North American Nebula 9/1/24

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Posts Made By: Rod Mollise

June 18, 2007 07:44 PM Forum: Equipment Talk

Re: Star Blast bearing failure

Posted By Rod Mollise

I wonder why you don't just call Orion and explain the problem to them? They are pretty good about taking care of stuff like this. Never had a prolem of this kind with my SB, BTW.

Unk Rod

August 19, 2007 02:15 PM Forum: Binoviewers

What the--where is everybody?

Posted By Rod Mollise

I haven't had much spare time (whatever that is) to vist this forum lately, and I'm surprised at the lack of activity on this once robust place. Is everybody but me tired of their binoviewers? Is binoviewing no longer hip? I figured there's at least be some traffic concerning a certain upcoming 2-inch unit. ;-)

August 31, 2007 01:11 PM Forum: Star Parties

The Idaho Star Party

Posted By Rod Mollise

Your old Uncle Rod will be speaking at ISP on the 6th. I hope any Astromarters attendin' will come by and say "how-dy!" ;-)

January 17, 2008 01:44 PM Forum: Meade

Lawsuit Settlement

Posted By Rod Mollise

In case y'all haven't heard, Meade has settled the RCOS/STAR lawsuit, promising never to use "Advanced Ritchey Chretien" in referring to the RCX and LX200 R again. NOW...contrary to rumors y'all may have heard, that does NOT mean they can't make the scopes, just that they must call them something else. I'm hoping this MIGHT pave the way for second coming of an RCX or RCX like scope at some point.

January 20, 2008 11:27 PM Forum: Meade

New Names for the RCX and R

Posted By Rod Mollise

Are y'all curious?

See the link on my blog. On the second entry from the top:


January 23, 2008 01:02 PM Forum: Equipment Talk

Re: Polar Scope

Posted By Rod Mollise

Don Risner said:

Hey Guys,

I need some advice. I am selling my CPC 1100 because of the weight of the thing. 65 pounds for the top half. I just bought a used CGE 1400 because the heaviest component is 45 pounds, which my worn out knees will handle a bit better. I am not all that familular with the German EQ mount, but I guess I will be soon. My question is, do I need a Polar Finder Scope? And, can anyone tell me how the Celestron one for this scope mounts. Their description in ther ads is pretty vague, like their telescope manuals. I know the CG5 scope has the hole going through the RA axis, but this thing has no such hole. By the picture in the ad, it looks like it may attach to a dovetail bracket mounted on the optical tube. Am I right?
Thanks, Don

No. Assuming this is a scope with a recent (programmable) hand controller, the polar alignment routine in the HC is every bit as accurate as the polar scope. Maybe moreso. That is, good enough for casual imaging, not as good as a drift.


January 28, 2008 10:04 PM Forum: Meade


Posted By Rod Mollise

I see Meade is in the processing of releasing a new version of the good, old LX90, this time with ACF optics...that is, the same prescription as in the LC200-ACF (nee LX200 R).


April 2, 2008 11:49 AM Forum: Eyepieces

Re: TeleVue Ethos eyepiece can damage vision!

Posted By Rod Mollise

Ed Neuzil said:


A study to be published in the New England
Journal of Medicine has found that extended
use of the ultra-wide field telescope eyepiece,
the TeleVue Ethos, can cause damage
to the muscles which control the focusing
of the eye lens.

NO NEED TO PANIC! Just wrap those offending Nagers and Pentaxes safely in a brown paper wrapper and mail 'em to me. I WILL SEE TO IT that they are disposed of safely.


April 21, 2008 11:24 PM Forum: After Dark

The Return of Uncle Rod's Skywatch

Posted By Rod Mollise

After a long hiatus, I've brought my little amateur astronomy newsletter back to life. You can get a (free as always) copy rat Cheer:

As always, I'd like your contributions for the next issue. What?

Observing articles
Construction/ATM articles

You-name-it as long as it has to do with amateur astronomy. Just shoot me an email at [email protected]

April 26, 2008 01:50 PM Forum: Eyepieces

8mm Ethos

Posted By Rod Mollise

Yep...Uncle Al just announced it at NEAF:

"Due in July"

Didn't look much smaller in Al's hand (on video, no I ain't at NEAF)...and he didn't say how _much_ cheaper... 8)