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North American Nebula 9/1/24

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Posts Made By: john raymond

December 15, 2010 01:06 AM Forum: Astro-Physics

The mysterious Star 12 ED

Posted By john raymond

I have seen a couple of the Star 12's come up for sale recently. There isnt much info available. The reviews are brief.

Its a 120mm f/8.5 doublet ED refractor. I found a couple of ads in 1991 magazines but no review.

Here is what I have so far.

1. a handful of ads here, search for "star12" or "Star 12"





6. magazine ads from 1991

This ad was in Astronomy but not S&T

7. , messages #7261 and #7277, (and 52909 !), 54819


I place this here in case someone else is looking too.


AP Star 12 #12049

December 29, 2010 07:51 PM Forum: Telescope Making

Re: ServoCat Installation in Northeast Needed

Posted By john raymond

Try Charlie Starks at Markless. At least he's on the east coast. He has an excellent reputation.

Someone at MASP had trouble with the goto on their big dob, called Charlie that morning, drove 3 hours to Charlotte, and was back in time for evening observing. It was a bad encoder.

Good Luck

February 7, 2011 09:20 PM Forum: CCD Imaging and Processing/Solar System

Imaging Source cameras, 9 choices

Posted By john raymond

I just got a new Toshiba netbook, my first portable pc. I want to get one of the Imaging Source cameras and try some beginner imaging.

There are 9 models to choose from. Any ideas?


February 12, 2011 12:29 AM Forum: Maksutovs

MK91 and DM4

Posted By john raymond

Tonight I took my MK91 out for the first time in a year. This scope was neglected for several reasons, mostly due to its size and weight. I dont want to set up the G11 just for a quick look.

It never occured to me to try this scope and mount together. But there was the DM4, standing next to the Mk91. I bought the DM4 for its portability and stability. A year ago I took it to WSP with my old TEC 6. Well 6 is 9 now.

It took less than 5 minutes to get them outside and assembled. The tube balanced easily and held well without trouble. I used a 20nn Nagler for 155x views of the moon. Despite the heat inside the ota, the views were mostly crisp and clear. No trouble panning the scope.

Jupiter was much lower in the sky and behind some pine needles. I used a 32 WF for 96x views. The pine tags made for some weird diffraction effects. Several bands on the planet were easily visible.

After 15 minutes Im back inside and ready for dinner. Quick and easy observing.


March 2, 2011 04:53 AM Forum: Meade

Re: Meade dis's the Solar Community

Posted By john raymond

John Savelle can make one for you. Look at his ads.

April 27, 2011 11:55 AM Forum: Deep Sky Observing

NGC 2683 in Lynx

Posted By john raymond

Twice this weekend I observed NGC 2683 in Lynx. Its fairly bright, large, and elongated. Any galaxy that I can see from 4th mag city skies is a showpiece!

The northernmost part of Cancer contains a bright group of stars, the Sigmas. NGC 2683 is just northwest of these in Lynx.


May 5, 2011 01:18 AM Forum: Equipment Talk

Re: Comparison of 2" diagonals

Posted By john raymond

Only one way to find out smile

June 23, 2011 12:32 AM Forum: Deep Sky Observing

Re: north america nebula

Posted By john raymond

I really think you need more aperture or a darker sky.

Use an eyepiece that gives the largest exit pupil. Mexico is the brightest part.

The Veil is easier.

Good luck

July 24, 2011 11:28 AM Forum: Equipment Talk

Perceptor has my old scope!

Posted By john raymond

I just checked out the Perceptor ad here and went to their site. Im a Maksutov fan.
The TEC 6 #25 I bought here maybe in 2009. Its a fantastic scope and very portable, but I traded it for an 11" Starmaster ELT. (Soon to be a Teeter STS)
Its kinda weird seeing my old scope like that.


January 8, 2012 02:48 PM Forum: After Dark

Re: Do people do astronomy with annoying friends?

Posted By john raymond


I have a couple of friends just like that. Some are here in town and some I only see at star parties. Yes its very annoying to be around, but you have to cultivate a person's strengths, and not dwell on their faults.

I like a person who talks a lot, if they know what they're talking about and have good experiences to relate. Ive learned a lot that way.

But the ones who talk big with nothing to back it your friend...I notice they dont flock together, they avoid each other like similar magnetic poles. They love folks like me who are patient and too polite to interrupt. Yes, Ive tried to sic them on each other. Doesnt work.
