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Eugene Helsel


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Posts Made By: john raymond

June 27, 2009 09:52 PM Forum: ASTRONOMY

NEAF Solar Star Party pics

Posted By john raymond

Thanks to Mike G for posting these, they were sent in by several different attendees.

The largest(?), gathering of Solar Telescopes anywhere.


July 18, 2009 03:53 AM Forum: Pictures of Me and My Telescope and........

Night at the Museum

Posted By john raymond

A hot, humid, and surprisingly clear night at the museum.
The public enjoyed views of Saturn, Cor Caroli, Mizar, and Beta Scorpii. Lightning flashed from a storm on the western horizon.

The people who viewed thru this scope included families both suburban and inner-city, college students, young couples, a few seniors, and one homeless man.

The granite globe in the background is possibly the largest kugel in the US.

October 13, 2009 05:47 AM Forum: Takahashi

FS60c + 2" eyepieces

Posted By john raymond

Had a chance to try out some 2" eps with the little scope. A fun project to see if they would come to focus.

With a standard 2" diagonal none did.
A Baader prism coupled directly to the Tak focuser solved this.

Eyepieces tested were the Pentax 40 XL, 30 XW, Tak 50 LE and Televue 40 Widefield. But which one is the best?

On terrestrial targets all the ep's produced a pleasing crisp image, a tie.

For close viewing:
The Tak 50 allowed viewing the closest objects at 13 feet, the 40TV the farthest at 25+ feet. The Pentaxes were somwhere in between (lost my notes)

Far viewing: High cirrus and the sun with a glass filter were used to find the "astronomical focus"
The Tak 50 had the most in-focus, with about 3mm to spare. The others came to focus with about a finger's width to spare. See photos.

The lightweight 40XL was the winner here, with no balance issues, no tension on the alt.
30 XW : a little tension
50 LE : more tension
40 WF : lots of tension.

Astro viewing: Not tested with 2" eps, but I think the 30XW will win as my astigmatism starts around 3mm exit pupil.
Ive used this scope on Saturn and Jupiter with 71x and 142x so far with good results for a 60mm aperture. I have lots of trees so I need a small portable scope.


December 24, 2009 09:41 PM Forum: Wildlife Photography

My first bird photo

Posted By john raymond

I took the scope out for a quick peek at the sun before it set. No spots but a few faculae.

I took a few shots of the scope in the snow when I saw the bird.

The ep view mas much better quality than the photo. Camera held to the ep.

Merry Christmas

Tak FS60
Celestron Ultima 7.5mm
Canon A510

December 30, 2009 09:44 PM Forum: Equipment Talk

Your 2010 Wish List / Shopping list ???

Posted By john raymond

My WISH list, will probably only get one of these. Not in order of importance.

1. Glatter cable sling
2. Binoscope paint job
3. New refractor focuser 2.7" w/FT
4. Universal Astronomics bino mount
5. Televue 1.25" diagonal
6. Televue 60* diagonal
7. Small enclosed trailer
8. Backyard shed
9. Photonic cleaning kit
10. Trade 18" Ultra Compact for 12-14" Portaball due to knee problems

January 6, 2010 04:07 AM Forum: Pictures of Me and My Telescope and........

Automatic Seat Warmer

Posted By john raymond

Observing in the severe cold Sunday.

This seat warmer returns to warm my seat every time I go back in the house. Uses no electricity.

Cat lovers will say I'm the seat warmer.


February 23, 2010 07:19 PM Forum: Reflectors

Comments on the Teeter Telescopes

Posted By john raymond

Anyone using or looked thru a Teeter Telescope? What do you have to say?


March 23, 2010 08:04 PM Forum: Reflectors

Starmaster 11" f/4.3 ELT - who has an opinion???

Posted By john raymond

Please tell me about this scope.
John grin

April 21, 2010 11:04 PM Forum: Solar System Observing


Posted By john raymond

NEAF Solar Star party was rained out on Saturday.
Sunday (aptly named) was sunny with passing clouds. Many solar observers were out with lots of nice equipment. Daystar and Lunt were there with the newest H-alpha scopes. Lehires spectroscope covers the entire visible spectrum. There were also a couple of Baader Herschel Wedges. Most of these instruments are rarely seen, much less all together in one place.

The sun was devoid of spots for the third year in a row.

Attached is a photo of the Lehires spectroscope.

October 13, 2010 07:52 PM Forum: Refractors

Takahashi scopes at MASP

Posted By john raymond

At MASP (Mid Atlantic) last week I tried some nice scopes. We had 4 clear days and nights in a row.

Among two of the best were the Tak FS152 NSV and FSQ 106. These were complete Tak setups incuding mounts and accessories.

These belong to a couple of the NC guys.

Photo of the FS152 and clear blue sky