Posts Made By: john raymond

May 19, 2019 04:01 AM Forum: Astro-Physics

AP 600E in use

Posted By john raymond

Another pic

May 19, 2019 08:04 AM Forum: Mounts

June 2, 2019 05:31 AM Forum: Mounts

June 11, 2019 08:31 AM Forum: AstroMart FAQ

Reposting Ads

Posted By john raymond

I only see four ads under your account. Two sold and two active. The latest from 4/28/2018. So it's not likely in the first ten pages of ads. 

You can edit a current ad to appear as a "featured" ad for a fee, placing it at the top of the list. After the time has elapsed, it will return to its chronological place in the ads.

You can post the ad again, in which case I advise you to also delete the previous ad so you don't have duplicate ads active. 

The sold ads- did you ever get feedback from them? I don't any ratings. 


June 20, 2019 04:58 AM Forum: AstroMart FAQ

First-time auction/seller questions

Posted By john raymond

Since you’re a new seller: 
A potential buyer may want to chat on the phone before committing. 

Some evidence of your astronomy may help, like what astronomy club you’re in, what star parties attended, pics of your setup at a public event....something that can’t be faked. 

Good luck

August 13, 2019 04:09 AM Forum: Astro-Physics

AP 600E in use

Posted By john raymond

Used it again last week for an outreach. 

The AP 600 carried a TSA120 and we viewed Jupiter and Saturn. This setup is much more portable than my old 900 mount and 5” f/12 Superplanetary. 

December 31, 2019 09:05 AM Forum: Astro-Physics

AP 600E in use

Posted By john raymond

Doing some casual AP tonight with a Canon 85mm FD SSC lens and M3 camera. 

The AP works fine with a light load. I don’t move the mount at all, just the camera on ball head. 

April 15, 2020 06:48 AM Forum: ASTRONOMY

Barlow lens and contrast

Posted By john raymond

I like the Powemates

April 15, 2020 06:53 AM Forum: Equipment Talk

Scope storage?... They don't make Ziplocs that big!

Posted By john raymond

I would put the scope in a different area or outside even , to avoid contact with smoke. 

April 18, 2020 10:58 PM Forum: Eyepieces

Best choice in Tele Vue Delos?

Posted By john raymond

They are all good. I find I like the small size and weight of the Delites better. The high power Delos are large heavy eyepieces. 

In my dob I prefer the 12 Delos over the 13 Ethos.