Image of the day

Captured by
Ralph Ford

Jupiter and Io

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Posts Made By: Fred Lusk

December 6, 2020 10:55 AM Forum: Insects - Flowers and Other Small Stuff - Photos

February 20, 2022 08:27 AM Forum: Equipment Talk

Rigel Quikfinder v Telrad

Posted By Fred Lusk

Here is a repeat of my comment on your video (very nice, BTW):

I prefer the Rigel (cheaper, lighter, etc.) and I use them on my 5", 8", and 11" SCTs.  My biggest gripe with the Telrad is that the top back corners of the viewing glass are fairly sharp.  Twice, while moving in to look through a friend's scope, I have cut my forehead on the Telrad because my friends had mounted the Telrad as far back as they could on the telescope tube instead of moving it forward a safe distance.  The corners of the Rigel are nicely rounded and do not present a hazard.

February 6, 2023 02:03 PM Forum: Solar System Observing

Mars Grazing Occultation (Jan. 30, 2023)

Posted By Fred Lusk

On January 30, I was privileged to observe the Moon perform a grazing occultation of Mars.  The graze path crossed Fresno County, including a couple observing sites that my club (Central Valley Astronomers) uses.  I made a time lapse video of the event and uploaded it to my very modest channel on YouTube: