My new hobby....

Started by By-tor, 11/23/2020 12:11PM
Posted 11/23/2020 12:11PM | Edited 11/23/2020 12:12PM Opening Post
I'm 60 y/o and new to this hobby just this year.  I have never looked through a telescope (other than a cheap dime store one) until earlier this year when I purchased an 8" Dobsonian and was so excited to see Jupiter and Saturn for the first time in my life with my own eyes.   The Dob. is fun and I bring it out for the family to enjoy when they visit and take it to our club dark sky nights. 

One of my other hobbies is photography and blending the 2 hobbies is a dream come true as I now enjoy deep sky imaging from my backyard.  

Below is my setup and though it doesn't compare with what others are posting it works for me and I can carry it into the backyard (minus the weights) and sit in the comfort of my living room (or anywhere in the house) and control everything since it's connected to my home network and I use a small 8" tablet...

This is such a great hobby and kick myself for not getting into along time ago...


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Posted 11/23/2020 12:14PM #1

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