Image of the day

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North American Nebula 9/1/24

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Turtle's Lucky Day

Started by Steve Stonehill, 12/04/2003 01:46AM
Posted 12/04/2003 01:46AM Opening Post
I found this spotted turtle (clemmys guttata) cowering in the middle of a busy road this spring. I took him home took a few photos and released him back in the coastal marsh that I found him near.

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Steve Stonehill's attachment for post 11249
Posted 12/04/2003 04:41AM #1
Its nice to save a life when you can. smile

"The expression of the beautiful is in direct ratio to the power of perception acquired by the artist." (Gustave Courbet)
Posted 12/04/2003 11:47PM #2
That's a good looking turtle. It was nice that you saved him!!
