
Started by Lee_S, 06/23/2012 04:51AM
Posted 06/23/2012 04:51AM | Edited 06/23/2012 04:53AM Opening Post
Oh sure, I could be one of those timid souls who takes pictures of squirrels. But, I choose another path. I'm willing to go eyeball to eyeball with one of North America's most dangerous wild animals. They've been known to chase presidents and I won't even discuss their sharp pointy teeth. I'd just traversed this area of bush with our hound dog five minutes before. So, this beast is the last thing I expected to see when I hopped into our all-terrain utility vehicle. But, there I was. I was petrified. I was so glad to be separated from this thing by the windshield. wink

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Lee_S's attachment for post 55751

I have several telescopes, but none are semi-APO, APO, or in anyway valuable.
Posted 06/23/2012 12:30PM #1
You can tell from looking at those eyes that you are on the menu.
How did you escape?

Posted 06/23/2012 04:38PM #2
Lee Spain said:
Oh sure, I could be one of those timid souls who takes pictures of squirrels. But, I choose another path. I'm willing to go eyeball to eyeball with one of North America's most dangerous wild animals.
Far be it from me to call any of my esteemed colleagues on this forum a wuss, but c'mon, Lee...one of North America's most dangerous wild animals? You want danger? Try this one on for size. You can tell by his posture that he's poised for the attack. I got as close as I could with my longest lens, snapped this quick shot off (sorry for the poor exposure), and slowly backed away until I was at a safe distance, then ran like crazy, hoping I could hold my bladder. wink

Attached Image:

jmcarp's attachment for post 144555