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Christmas in Yosemite Valley

Started by flusk, 12/29/2003 05:50AM
Posted 12/29/2003 05:50AM Opening Post
This year we did Christmas a little different. With one daughter in New Zealand for three weeks (high school graduation present from her grandfather, who spends the winters thereā€¦his second wife is a Kiwi) and one spending the day with her in-laws, my wife, son, and I headed to Yosemite on Christmas morning for an overnight stay in a cabin at Curry Village. It snowed much of the time, but never very heavy. The only real excitement was a 1:30 a.m. rock slide that forced the evacuation of the back part of Curry Village. It woke me up, but our cabin was not in the danger zone.

Anyway, here are several photos I took with my OM-4T and 28-200 mm Vivitar zoom. I also played around with my new 15 mm Sigma fisheye. This one is Upper Yosemite Falls.


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flusk's attachment for post 11807
Posted 12/29/2003 05:51AM #1
Here's a photo of Sentinal Rock, which is on the south wall of Yosemite Valley across from Yosemite Falls.


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flusk's attachment for post 74539