Image of the day

Captured by
Steven Yu

Triangulum Galaxy

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Big Dude

Started by jameslbrown, 09/12/2004 07:04AM
Posted 09/12/2004 07:04AM | Edited 09/12/2004 07:04AM Opening Post
This stud and his harem were an incredibly pleasant interruption of our barbecue this evening. He is still bugling now, as I am coming in from a very nice observing session.

Taken from my back deck at 30 yards with a Cannon 300D and a Tammron lens.


Attached Image:

jameslbrown's attachment for post 18686
Posted 09/12/2004 07:06AM #1
He has about 15 cows total, a couple of little ones, and 2 younger bulls that stay on the outside! Jim

Attached Image:

jameslbrown's attachment for post 82931