Some images from Cerro Tololo

Started by RolandC, 02/13/2015 06:23PM
Posted 02/13/2015 06:23PM Opening Post
From a recent visit to Cerro Tololo observatory in the Chilean Andes. The day begins with the valley below filling up with clouds from the nearby ocean about 40 miles to the west. The marine layer is caused by the cold Humbolt current which flows past the coast of Chile and which produces a climate similar to California. The air above the observatory is not super low humidity like it is further north in the higher elevations of the Atacama desert, but it is very very steady, and the seeing is superb.

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Posted 02/13/2015 06:28PM #1
Marj and I were on a service trip, to work on several mounts and scopes and to update software for these remote observatories. The morning started out with the hike up the mountain from our room down below. The first day required a few rest stops on the way up, but by the third day we were champs and were scrambling all over the mountain top.

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