Image of the day

Captured by
Alexander DiNota

Our Moon

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Monet meets the Badlands.

Started by SocalDarkSkies, 02/26/2006 01:52AM
Posted 02/26/2006 01:52AM Opening Post
I spent Friday night observing from Fonts Point at the top of the Anza Borrego Badlands and had wonderfully clear skies. In the morning I turned the camera down below to shoot what I expected to be the typical blazing orange and violet rilles but was surprised to find a subdued and muted vista instead. So much "atmosphere" had built up just before dawn that it reminded me of something Claude Monet may have painted.

Hope everyone is enjoying this minimal moon weekend!


Attached Image:

SocalDarkSkies's attachment for post 29983
Posted 02/26/2006 04:24PM #1
Very nice image. Sounds like a great time - pulling an all nighter and watching the sunrise.

Mark Hansen
Posted 02/27/2006 01:36AM #2
Just beautiful, Jerry! That's a photo you can gaze into and feel like you are there.

Where exactly is this located?

Sweet the coming on
Of grateful evening mild; then silent night
With this her solemn bird and this fair moon,
And these the gems of heaven, her starry train.
--John Milton