I have entered into a new hobby, drone imaging and video. Exciting, new, really cool and great cameras!
I shot this in 4k 30p (30 frames per second), but of course that is much too big to put online. So I downsized it to 1920x1080 30p, so I could put it on my website, still over a Giggabyte. So, under Galleries now, there is a new one, Aerial Cinematography and 1 lonely video so far.
A little out of the box, but a great format for artistic expression. Hope you like it.
I have entered into a new hobby, drone imaging and video. Exciting, new, really cool and great cameras!
I shot this in 4k 30p (30 frames per second), but of course that is much too big to put online. So I downsized it to 1920x1080 30p, so I could put it on my website, still over a Giggabyte. So, under Galleries now, there is a new one, Aerial Cinematography and 1 lonely video so far.
A little out of the box, but a great format for artistic expression. Hope you like it.
[SIZE="Large"][/SIZE][COLOR="Blue"][/COLOR] Floyd Blue
Amateur Imager