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Big Trees -- Sequoia National Park -- Doggy Parad

Started by SocalDarkSkies, 04/29/2007 01:21AM
Posted 04/29/2007 01:21AM Opening Post
We spent a few days in Sequoia NP two weeks ago over spring break and I thought it would be fun to post a few pictures of the beautiful place.

The weather hadn't quite decided if it wanted to let go of winter at this point. We drove up into dense fog and clouds, visibility less than 10 feet. Each morning there would be some clearing with blue sky but by midday the clouds would come scraping back in. With the last day of our trip the clouds brought a good deal of snow. I must say it was very interesting seeing the forest with so much atmosphere intermixed between the branches. Made for some ethereal pictures.

Here's a shot taken along a trail in the Giant Forest. There aren't any remarkably large Sequoia in this image, I just liked the lighting.


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SocalDarkSkies's attachment for post 36883
Posted 04/29/2007 01:22AM #1
Here's a shot looking back down the trail that takes you past Crescent Meadow.


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SocalDarkSkies's attachment for post 113610
Posted 04/29/2007 01:39AM #2
Nice. Thanks Jerry.
Those trees are all remarkable.
Some are just more humongous than others!
I need to get back there soon. grin
Posted 04/29/2007 02:18AM #3
Thanks for the shots Jerry!
This is one of the places I've dreamed of visiting... maybe one day... 8)

Ivan Gastaldo 8)
Coconut Creek, FL

Ivan's Observatory
Lat 26N 16' 48" Long 80W 10' 48"
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Posted 04/29/2007 05:47AM #4

Great images. The big trees are so big and often so dense that they're hard to photograph. You got it right.

Did you make it to Moro Rock? When the sky is clear the views are outstanding.
