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Jupiter with Great Red Spot 11/19/24

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Test Shot with New E-1

Started by flusk, 04/07/2005 05:17AM
Posted 04/07/2005 05:17AM Opening Post
We are going to Hawaii in two months and I wanted a better digital camera than the 2MP point-and-shoot I use for documenting construction projects (I'm a civil engineer). So, yesterday I bought an Olympus E-1 w/ 14-54 mm, f2.8-3.5 zoom. With the E-1's 2:1 equivalence to 35 mm, this is like a 28-108 mm lens. Here's a crop from a test shot I took late this afternoon under pretty dull lighting. I won't have a chance to try any real daylight shooting until this weekend. I may try this camera on my C5 later, but for now I will use the E-1 for photography and keep my OM-1N astrophotography. My OM-4T will continue to do double duty. My wife wants these weeds out of her garden area (we had a wet winter), but with a new camera to learn I don't know if I will have the time. smile


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