Image of the day

Captured by
Byron Davies


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Saturn - 11 March

Started by reconair, 03/12/2007 04:15PM
Posted 03/12/2007 04:15PM Opening Post
I can't compete with the big mirror guys, but I tried anyway.

Sunday, 11 Mar offered some fantastic seeing, rare for Northern VA. I endeavored to image Saturn with my newly acquired Takahashi TOA 130, 5x barlow and a ToUcam Pro II webcam. Attached find a test run from a group of images I was able to capture before high clouds stole the night. Image is a stack of 826/1104 frames. Stack program was K3CCDTools and I finished up with Photoshop CS2.

Attached Image:

reconair's attachment for post 36172

Scott Busby
A.K.A. Reconair

Carpe Noctum

Mortal as I am, I know that I am born for a day. But when I follow at my pleasure the serried multitude of the stars in their circular course, my feet no longer touch the earth.
- Ptolemy,c.150 AD
Posted 03/12/2007 06:47PM #1
Nice image! Excellent start. I tried to tweak the color
alignment in Registax. Not sure, but maybe it is better
a little smaller.

Attached Image:

m87's attachment for post 112298