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Re: Y'all are Killing Me!!!

Started by dbogan3220, 11/09/2004 04:04PM
Posted 11/09/2004 04:04PM Opening Post
Jobs will be almost non-existant. I can tell you that my company has already in the great plans book to continue sending more assembly work to Mexico. A lot of our engineering is done Singapore we are also expanding our factories in China and more software engineering is being done in India. In the next 5 years just in the Phx Ariz area alone my company is plans to eliminate 3000 good paying jobs. Outsourcing of American jobs has not even begun. By 2015 something like 15 million new jobs will be created by American corporations for export. Sure there will be jobs. You have Wal-mart, Target, Kmart. If you into home improvement there is Home Depot when I lose my engineering job I plan to relocate to Home Depot some of my coworkers who have already been displaced are working there and loving it. Of course they are only getting a third of what they made when they were working at my facility. Hey Outsourcing is good for America President Bush even say's so. So as a good little GOP American you have no reason to doubt the preisident. Oh, he is such a great little puppet for the Fat Cats in this country.

Posted 11/10/2004 08:44PM #1
Maybe put Rev. Jackson or Obama(?) on the ticket with her. I think the Left is going to provide a great deal of amusement for the next four years; hopefully. grin Otherwise, they may bore us all to death with their mindless, banal repetitions.

Darian R.