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Iragi Blood

Started by dbogan3220, 11/08/2004 03:17PM
Posted 11/08/2004 03:17PM | Edited 11/08/2004 04:54PM Opening Post
Hey guys the next time you fill up your vehicle. Don't think if it as gasoline. Think of it as Iraqi Blood! In remembrance for all the innocents that have needlessly died for George Bush's war for Oil

Clear Skies
Dwight L Bogan
Posted 11/08/2004 03:43PM | Edited 11/08/2004 03:43PM #1
Not just the blood of Iraqis.

Oil is the root of all evil. Saddam Hussein and Al-Qaeda are spawned by it. Were it not for our addiction to this gooey black stuff, there would have been no lure for Iraq to invade Kuwait, there would not have been a U.S. presence in the Gulf to speak of, terrorists would have no funding to speak of, and so Al-Qaeda would not have 'rid the holy land of the infidels' as its rallying cry against us and in fact without money not even exist.

With no motivation and no funding, the attacks of September 11th never would have happened. The blood of 3,000 Americans (well, 4000+ now) are already a product of this dependency as well as 100,000+ Iraqis.

And of course there's the ongoing war(s). All the major parties -- the Bush, Cheney, Hussein, Osama and the Bin Laden dynasty -- oil men are at the center of it on all sides. The oil fields are the battlefields. It cannot possibly be more obvious, or more unfortunate, how political and historical cause-and-effect now hinges completely on oil.

I continue to avoid the gas pump as much as possible. Am continuing to commute by bike and am pushing it farther into the season than ever before due to unprecedented motivation.
Posted 11/08/2004 03:52PM | Edited 11/08/2004 03:52PM #2
The next time I fill up my very sensible Subaru automobile I will pause to thank the allies on behalf of the untold thousands of Iraqis who were not murdered by Saddam and his evil thugs, since Saddam has been deposed.

Also, a quick Google found this PBS site that shows Iraq supplying a paltry 4% of our (US)oil consumption. Is this current?

- Jim -