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Fred Reed: "You cannot re-program a door knob."

Started by JJM, 06/12/2011 05:58PM
Posted 06/12/2011 05:58PM Opening Post
Fred Reed goes after Evolutionistas again. Makes a compelling case that atheists, fundamentalists of all stripes, and militant evolutionists are all in the same boat intellectually.

Jim McSheehy
Posted 06/12/2011 08:43PM | Edited 06/12/2011 08:45PM #1
Jim McSheehy said:

Fred Reed goes after Evolutionistas again. Makes a compelling case that atheists, fundamentalists of all stripes, and militant evolutionists are all in the same boat intellectually.

I guess Fred Reed has never heard of OmniLocks...

Programable door knobs. You don't have the code, you're locked out, you have the code, I don't want you in my laboratory, I reprogram the door knob. You're locked out.

Omnilocks are pretty common in a laboratory environment.

I suspect Fred hasn't been around too many laboratories.
