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OK, Who's Got a Sense of Humor?

Started by flusk, 06/28/2004 04:42AM
Posted 06/28/2004 04:42AM Opening Post
Because I have absolutely no musical talent (all I can play is the stereo) but I do have an engineer's sense of humor (Dilbert, et al), I like comedy music as much as "real" music…sometimes more.

My favorites include Tom Lehrer, Wield Al Yankovic, Lenny & The Squigtones (you'll have to trust me on this one), The Capitol Steps, Victor Borge, Allen Sherman, Ray Stevens, etc. Who have I missed?

Anyway, for all you low-brow guys and gals like me, who are your favorites in this genre?


Attached Image:

flusk's attachment for post 17021
Posted 06/28/2004 04:46AM #1
Here's the flip side to the first photo…


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flusk's attachment for post 80932
Posted 06/28/2004 01:52PM | Edited 06/28/2004 01:54PM #2
"Might as well face it, I'm addicted to spuds" - I LOVE Weird Al.

"Oh, if you don't mind me asking,
what's this poisonous cobra
Doing in my underwear drawer?
Sometimes I get to thinking you don't love me anymore"

And to the tune of MacArthur Park:
"Jurassic Park is frightening in the dark
All the dinosaurs are running wild
Somone shut the fence off in the rain
I admit its kinda eerie
But this proves my chaos theory
And I dont think I'll be coming back again
Oh no."

I could go on and on. I forgot about Lenny and the Squigtones - shortlived, but hilarious. Of course, Spinal Tap was awesome too.'


Sweet the coming on
Of grateful evening mild; then silent night
With this her solemn bird and this fair moon,
And these the gems of heaven, her starry train.
--John Milton

Posted 07/17/2004 02:56AM #3
Whats wrong with you people? Nobody mentioned Zappa grin
Posted 07/17/2004 06:02PM #4
Mojo Nixon

- Elvis is Everywhere
- I hate Banks
- A song for Martha Quinn that I won't name here
- I'm Gonna Dig up Howlin' Wolf
- I can't remember the name, but a song about a guy who's girlfriend preferred a small battery operated device.

and probably my all time favorite:
- I'm the Perry Mason of Love (I never Lose!)
---- Mojo, are you the Gilligan of Love?
---- Mojo, are you the F-Troop of Love?
---- Mojo are you the Jethro Bodine of Love?

Posted 07/19/2004 09:23PM #5
I'm still pretty fond of They Might be Giants' - Istanbul (Not Constantinople). AND I will always love the Dead Milkmen. Punk Rock Girl and Stuart are the bizzity bomb.