Image of the day

Captured by
Evan Miller

Sun in H-alpha Inverted10 Jul 2022

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Cardinal at the feeder

Started by Joplin Motisher-Chittenden, 05/07/2003 06:26PM
Posted 05/07/2003 06:26PM Opening Post
I took this image of a Cardinal at the feeder outside the open kitchen window. I was hoping to get some shots of a Tufted Titmouse that frequents the same spot but he was too skitish. I'm still getting used to the camera and scope setup so bit but I'm suprized it came out as well as it did. Details: Vixen FL80S refractor (640mm), home bodged 50mm eyepiece, Nikon Coolpix 995 camera w/ zoom set to 17.6mm, exposure was 1/500 @ f3.6. I found it easiest to set the camera to about 5ft and then focus using the telescope focuser. Location: backyard in Greenville, SC.


Attached Image:

Joplin Motisher-Chittenden's attachment for post 5758
Posted 05/07/2003 11:49PM #1
What a beautiful shot...and razor sharp. Sometimes the digital camera through the scope can get truly amazing shots (like this one!)

"The expression of the beautiful is in direct ratio to the power of perception acquired by the artist." (Gustave Courbet)