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Saturn/Mars April 11 UT

Started by Kevin, 04/15/2006 03:47PM
Posted 04/15/2006 03:47PM Opening Post
I was out Monday nite double observing in the moon wash but decided to take a long look at Saturn as the seeing was a bit better than the crappy stuff I usually see in NE. I made a modest sketch in my notebook. Perhaps I can post it later, but not nearly as nice as what I often see in here.

Date- April 11, 2006 00:20 UT
Instrument- TOA130, 3.6 Tak LE (277x)
Seeing- 4-5/10.

During some of the rare and better moments, I could see some detail in the rings at the ansea, sort of a grooving with the cassini appearing more sharp. I could make out some equitorial banding just south of the rings, and the shadow detail from the planets disc. I normally neglect to appreciate the moons, but this nite stared at the planet for awhile with the specific purpose of noting the moons. I could make out Titan and Dione to the west, and a field star. I could make out Rhea and Tethys to the East, along with Iapetus which surprised me, I also could make out a field star between Iapetus and the disc of about the same magnitude. These last two and the field star were best observed with averted vision. The TOA continues to amaze me with outstanding contrast. Although I tried, I could not find or make out Enceladus.

I then turned my attention to Mars which was falling into the muck. Unfortunately I could only detect the fact that it was less than 100% phase. Perhaps some minor contrast differences but it was difficult to differentiate that from dispersion.

Clear skies,
Posted 04/15/2006 10:55PM #1
Here is a rough sketch from my notebook.

Clear skies,

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