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Budget cuts and the Mars rovers

Started by mogayn, 03/25/2008 12:19AM
Posted 03/25/2008 12:19AM Opening Post
Due to a directive to cut $4m, there is a proposal to put Spirit on long term hibernation and to limit the activities of Opportunity.
Posted 03/25/2008 03:37PM #1

This really seems ridiculous to me and a fine way to treat the folks who overachieved on the rover.

Russell Cole

Earth First! We'll strip mine the other planets later.
Posted 03/25/2008 04:50PM #2
LOS ANGELES (AP) -- NASA says it has absolutely no plan to turn off either of the Mars Rovers because of budget cuts.

NASA is saying Tuesday that it has rescinded a letter that recommended budget cuts in the Mars Rover program to cover the cost of a next-generation rover on the Red Planet.