It is surprising that Uncle Rod did not mention this exciting (g)astronomical event:
"MOBILE, Ala. (AP) - Mobile will ring in 2009 with chocolate, graham cracker and marshmallow.
Partygoers at the city’s New Year’s Eve celebration will dine on the world’s largest Moon Pie, courtesy of the Chattanooga, Tenn., bakery that’s been making the treats since 1917. The dimensions were not immediately available, though company officials have talked in the past about making a 60-pound, 4-foot-diameter pie for the city."
"MOBILE, Ala. (AP) - Mobile will ring in 2009 with chocolate, graham cracker and marshmallow.
Partygoers at the city’s New Year’s Eve celebration will dine on the world’s largest Moon Pie, courtesy of the Chattanooga, Tenn., bakery that’s been making the treats since 1917. The dimensions were not immediately available, though company officials have talked in the past about making a 60-pound, 4-foot-diameter pie for the city."