Observation of PN G064.7+05.0 from a suburban yard.
Jupiter was the primary target for tonight's session but the seeing was very poor. The quadruple Nu Sco was dissapointing and Antares B was not seen at all. All of these are over my neighbor's house with roof radiating heat at night.
Much higher in the sky Zeta Boo was split with 616x (13mm + 3x barlow) but seen as a double only 20% of the time (2 of 10 seconds)
Cygnus was near the zenith and I consider it shameful to have a scope set up and not view Albireo. Its lovely in any scope.
North of Albireo are 9 and Phi Cyg, celestial landmarks to PN G064.7+05.0, aka Campbell's Hydrogen Star. Magnitude: 9.60, Size: 7.5"
Sky-charting software is reccomended for finding this one due to its stellar appearance at low power. Its just over one degree due N of 9 Cyg, the southernmost of 3 10th-mag stars in a bent row.
Its easily visible as a star at 83x and 127x, but 205x was needed to see that this is "not a star" At this power it appeared as a tiny grey ball that did not resolve into a pinpoint star at moments of good seeing. The 10 mag star 3' to the NE provides a good comparison. From reading various sources this object is classified as a PN but emits mostly red hydrogen-beta light instead of green oxygen-3 light.
Minkowski's Footprint Nebula, M 1-92
Located halfway between 9 Cyg and 7th mag HD 185332, about 20' east of 9.
Easily seen as stellar at 83x. Higher powers show as elongated nebula. Surprisingly easy to see. In fov are a N-S pair of 10 mag stars, 2' apart. The nebula is just east of the southern star, the neb is fainter. This is also a strange nebula thats not exactly a PN.
Further north in Cygnus is the carbon star TT Cygni. It lies 2.5 degrees north of Phi. Very nice at 83x.
Using the Pickering scale from
Id rate the seeing as 1-2 at Jupiter's altitude and 3-4 at Zeta Boo's. At the zenith it was 5-6. The night was hot and humid with the occasional breeze.
Transparency was poor also with 4th mag stars seen near the zenith with averted vision only.
Scope Dia 178mm, f=2670mm. Eyepieces: Plossls 32mm (83x) 21mm (127x) 13mm (205x). August 3, 2007 2200- 2400 EDT
Jupiter was the primary target for tonight's session but the seeing was very poor. The quadruple Nu Sco was dissapointing and Antares B was not seen at all. All of these are over my neighbor's house with roof radiating heat at night.
Much higher in the sky Zeta Boo was split with 616x (13mm + 3x barlow) but seen as a double only 20% of the time (2 of 10 seconds)
Cygnus was near the zenith and I consider it shameful to have a scope set up and not view Albireo. Its lovely in any scope.
North of Albireo are 9 and Phi Cyg, celestial landmarks to PN G064.7+05.0, aka Campbell's Hydrogen Star. Magnitude: 9.60, Size: 7.5"
Sky-charting software is reccomended for finding this one due to its stellar appearance at low power. Its just over one degree due N of 9 Cyg, the southernmost of 3 10th-mag stars in a bent row.
Its easily visible as a star at 83x and 127x, but 205x was needed to see that this is "not a star" At this power it appeared as a tiny grey ball that did not resolve into a pinpoint star at moments of good seeing. The 10 mag star 3' to the NE provides a good comparison. From reading various sources this object is classified as a PN but emits mostly red hydrogen-beta light instead of green oxygen-3 light.
Minkowski's Footprint Nebula, M 1-92
Located halfway between 9 Cyg and 7th mag HD 185332, about 20' east of 9.
Easily seen as stellar at 83x. Higher powers show as elongated nebula. Surprisingly easy to see. In fov are a N-S pair of 10 mag stars, 2' apart. The nebula is just east of the southern star, the neb is fainter. This is also a strange nebula thats not exactly a PN.
Further north in Cygnus is the carbon star TT Cygni. It lies 2.5 degrees north of Phi. Very nice at 83x.
Using the Pickering scale from
Id rate the seeing as 1-2 at Jupiter's altitude and 3-4 at Zeta Boo's. At the zenith it was 5-6. The night was hot and humid with the occasional breeze.
Transparency was poor also with 4th mag stars seen near the zenith with averted vision only.
Scope Dia 178mm, f=2670mm. Eyepieces: Plossls 32mm (83x) 21mm (127x) 13mm (205x). August 3, 2007 2200- 2400 EDT