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Captured by
Evan Miller

Sun in H-alpha Inverted10 Jul 2022

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Lulin no longer naked eye?

Started by Martin Willes, 03/01/2009 04:37PM
Posted 03/01/2009 04:37PM | Edited 03/01/2009 04:39PM Opening Post
Has anyone been able to see Lulin with their naked eye? At magnitude 6.5 I was unable to see the comet last night even though it was 60 degrees above the horizon and I had a rare Pickering 7 sky. If you can see the comet now with no optical aid, my hats off to you! Martin

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"In the beginner's mind there are many possibilities, but in the expert's there are few." Shunryu Suzuki[COLOR="Blue"][/COLOR]
Posted 03/01/2009 10:12PM #1
I believe I saw it last night at about 10:00 at our deep sky site in the desert (Landers, California). I did not bother turning a telescope to it at the time, since I was doing other things.
