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considering PST

Started by okieav8r, 11/26/2008 11:28AM
Posted 11/26/2008 11:28AM | Edited 11/26/2008 11:29AM Opening Post
I've been thinking about purchasing a PST. What I would like to know is, how good are the views (espesially with regard to sunspots and prominances), and are they worth the price? Is there a better alternative for approximately the same price?

Oklahoma State University--The University of Oklahoma!--GO POKES!! GO STATE!!
Posted 11/27/2008 03:00AM #1
Rex Cox said:

I've been thinking about purchasing a PST. What I would like to know is, how good are the views (espesially with regard to sunspots and prominances), and are they worth the price? Is there a better alternative for approximately the same price?

Rex: I purchased a used PST a while back. When I bought it, the objective was fine but after several months, I could see the rust so I contacted Meade and they repaired it under warranty.

The views... is it worth the money?? There haven't been a lot of sunspots but they are interesting and quite different than in white light. Prominences are readily apparent and there is always something to see. Surface texture and granularity can be spectacular, it seems that good seeing helps a bunch. But one always has to remember, this is only a 40mm scope... The moon is pretty interesting in a 40 mm scope but there are definite limitations.

Is it worth it? Mine gets a goodly amount of eyepiece time, goes on trips, something to enjoy during the day... I enjoy using mine but I would be reluctant to buy a used one because of the rust issues and I would be reluctant to buy an new one because of Meade's financial status...

Best plan of action is get a look through one before purchase.... See for yourself...

Posted 11/27/2008 04:15AM | Edited 11/27/2008 04:20AM #2
Rex, I have a PST and yes it has rust. The rust problem is very common and Meade will no longer warranty them. Meade has been going down, down, down, the stock at one time was about $55.00 now it's down to .10 I think that says a lot. Lunt has been around for a year and a half now and there scopes have gotten great reviews here's part of one. you can go to there web site and read the entire review.

"I have observed through and tested many fine h-Alpha filtered
telescopes over the years, and it is my humble opinion that the LS50
ranks among the very finest filters I have had the pleasure to look
through, and I believe it's a stunning value."

I have NO affiliation with Lunt other then sitting on the board of RAC with one of the owners and have had the opportunity of taking a look in a 60mm Ha and seeing for my self that it out performed my PST hands down.


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[B]Takahashi MT 160

10" F4.5 Newt 8O
R200SS grin
Some kind of 127mm APO

Orion Atlas EQ-G
Losmandy G11 with Gemini
iOptron Mimi Tower
iOptrom Cube Pro

Image Source 21AU04.AS