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Astronomy Magazine's lastest slip up

Started by thaimann, 05/04/2008 02:08PM
Posted 05/04/2008 02:08PM Opening Post
On page 21, article "Binocular Telescope snaps first image"

First sentence:

And the lucky galaxy is ... NGC 2770, a spiral star city some 102 light years away ... 8O

102 light years away would put it in our galaxy wouldn't it? I checked and found a reference on the Internet that places it 81 million light years away. It would help if the editors of Astronomy Magazine actually knew a little astronomy.
Posted 05/04/2008 08:51PM | Edited 05/04/2008 09:10PM #1
It was apparently just a typographical error -- they dropped the word "million." Although other sources don't indicate that NGC2770 is 102 million light years away, this is its distance according to I suspect "Astronomy's" authors and editors know astronomy well enough, but their proofreaders -- assuming they have any -- may not.

NexStar 8i SCT, Orion 80ED APO refractor, Orion 120 mm EQ refractor, 3.5-inch Questar
Posted 05/04/2008 11:21PM | Edited 05/04/2008 11:30PM #2
Terry Haimann said:

On page 21, article "Binocular Telescope snaps first image"

First sentence:

And the lucky galaxy is ... NGC 2770, a spiral star city some 102 light years away ... 8O

102 light years away would put it in our galaxy wouldn't it? I checked and found a reference on the Internet that places it 81 million light years away. It would help if the editors of Astronomy Magazine actually knew a little astronomy.

Which means they are only human. Like you and me. They make mistakes, though the folks there know a considerable amount about astronomy.

Uncle Rod

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Posted 05/05/2008 01:20AM #3
It must be a slow news day!!

R.A.C. Advisory Committee
NEAIC Co-Chairman
NEAF Advisory Committee
Warwick, New York
41.15984 -74.2541

[B]Takahashi MT 160

10" F4.5 Newt 8O
R200SS grin
Some kind of 127mm APO

Orion Atlas EQ-G
Losmandy G11 with Gemini
iOptron Mimi Tower
iOptrom Cube Pro

Image Source 21AU04.AS