Image of the day

Captured by
Evan Miller

Sun in H-alpha Inverted10 Jul 2022

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Tubing sources

Started by macdonjh, 10/20/2012 02:40PM
Posted 10/20/2012 02:40PM Opening Post
I'm looking for a company that can provide lengths of tubing the same size as a C8 tube. Any suggestions?
Posted 10/29/2012 02:41PM #1
I've ordered and been happy with my 12" OD X 48"L aluminum tube from Hastings Irrigation for my 10"f4.5 Newt.

They cater to ATMs for those sizes shown and ship UPS in sturdy cardboard boxes with square cut plywood end supports.
I was able to get the tube powder coated from a shop in Melbourne, FL for around $100. VERY nice job and far better than trying to paint it.
Good luck.
Mike .....>