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Leveling Feet for Questar Tristand

Started by kevlind, 01/05/2023 10:17PM
Posted 01/05/2023 10:17PM Opening Post
I just bought a Tristand, but it came without the leveling feet.  Questar says they won't have any in stock for another few months, but thought that some people on the forums knew how to make some temporary substitutes.  Any ideas?

Many thanks,

Kevin L.

Posted 01/06/2023 11:20AM #1
Originally Posted by Kevin Lindsey
I just bought a Tristand, but it came without the leveling feet.  Questar says they won't have any in stock for another few months, but thought that some people on the forums knew how to make some temporary substitutes.  Any ideas?

Many thanks,

Kevin L.

Here's the description of the leveling feet Questar uses:
So, if you know the screw size and diameter of it, you might be able find a suitable replacement at Amazon as they list a lot of different types when I typed in "clamp on leveling feet" in the search box. Hope this helps...
Posted 01/07/2023 01:49AM #2
Hi Rod.
Thanks for the input.  I'll wander over to the local chain hardware store and see if there aren't some suitable replacements to be had there.
Best regards,