Some more progress

Started by NebSteve, 01/28/2010 07:22PM
Posted 01/28/2010 07:22PM | Edited 01/28/2010 07:25PM Opening Post
Here is an overall view of a more cluttered spot in my yard. It shows the observatory with framing and interior walls in place. The skin on the walls is thin 1/8 inch masonite. That doesn't sound very strong, but once you put a curve on it and screw it to a frame it's great. The exterior gets the same thing only with the fuzzy side out. Stucco will have to stick to it. I'll also use some chicken wire.

The ring was screwed into each of the 19 studs. 16 inch centering did not work exactly well, as I had to provide a door and pre-fab them onto plywood cut to a curve. As you can see I used 2x3 not 2x4 lumber and cut them down to 6 feet.

As you step up into the circle, you have to duck very little. Well I don't but most of you might. I just didn't like those little four foot doors. Besides the horizon's not very good seeing in the 'burbs anyway.

Each stud is glued with liquid nails and screwed tight with two 1 3/4 inch drywall screws. The plywood is overlapped and screwed together, but not glued, it had to be a little flexible to allow for adjustment.

More on that to follow,

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NebSteve's attachment for post 49904
Posted 01/28/2010 07:31PM | Edited 01/28/2010 07:32PM #1
Here's a photo showing the detail on the inside of the ring. I used 18 eyebolts about 4 1/2 inches long and set them all at about the same length protruding into the building. the nut on the outside can be turned to tighten up a spot, effectively pulling that part of the ring inward. I was able to get the ring to within 1/8 inch of a true circle the first try. It's a long slow process, but not very difficult.

You can also see a few of the 300 pan-head screws holding the masonite in place. Why so many? If the masonite gets wet or if the wind really kicks up, they will resist pulling through. I've hung massonite peg boards with drywall screws and had the whole thing come crashing down.

I already had a big scare with high wind. This will be built to take it and more. Already it feels more solid than the house. Hmmm....
More news later!

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NebSteve's attachment for post 135358