Roll-over roof (details)

Started by ttolla, 12/06/2005 10:19PM
Posted 12/06/2005 10:19PM | Edited 12/07/2005 01:52AM Opening Post
So as not to capitalize on a thread by Charles. Here are some other images of my roll-over roof design. It works for me and the space I'm allowed (says my wife smile ) to take up in the yard.

Attached Image:

ttolla's attachment for post 28517

Tom T.
Guilford, CT smile
Posted 12/06/2005 10:20PM #1
and the rest.............

Attached Image:

ttolla's attachment for post 98873

Tom T.
Guilford, CT smile
Posted 12/13/2005 04:49AM #2
Hi Tom,
Nice job on the observatory.
Where did you get the wheel?
