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Byron Davies


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Started by NebSteve, 01/22/2010 08:31PM
Posted 01/22/2010 08:31PM Opening Post
Can you use a laugh?
Did you know a dome can walk, assisted only by high winds. My Exploradome is more portable than I thought. We had some wicked high wind yesterday and last night. I heard strange sounds and looked out the window to see my unfinished dome heading north!

It sort of looked like a big white bowl rocking back and forth but making slow progress accross the yard. That's a strange thing to see in the dark.

About five minutes of wrestling got it to the lee side of the house. I must finish the walls of the observatory and get the dome mounted! Work sucks; I want to play.

Posted 01/22/2010 09:55PM #1
Well the good news is it sounds like it is none the worse for wear.....

That being the case I guess it is ok to laugh smile

Yep I bet the look on your face as it dawned on you what you were seeing was priceless smile

Glad to hear it survived intact.....

20" MidnighTelescopes f/5
8" f/16 Muffoletto Achro
Meade 6" AR6 f/8.0 Achro
Celestron C11
Parallax PI250 10" F/5 Newt
Vixen FL102S,NA140SS,R200SS
80mm Stellarvue Nighthawk with WO APOupgrade lens, 90mm f/16.67 Parallax Achro
LXD75/LX200, Mini-tower, GP-DX, CG5 ASGT, LXD650, GM-8, G11, GM-100, GM-150EX, GM-200 and a Gemini G40
4" portable AP convertable 44" or 70" pier
Stellarvue M7 Alt-Az, TSL7 Pier/Tripod
12.5" f/5 MidnighTelescopes DOB Swayze optics
Monroe GA
Posted 01/23/2010 12:51AM #2
Steve Hollenbach said:
Did you know a dome can walk, assisted only by high winds...

Been there, done that, sort of. At our club's Messier Marathon event at a desert campground a couple years ago, I had finally called it quits at about 3:00 AM and went to bed. I was just dozing off when I heard a terrible clatter outside. I crawled out of my sleeping bag in time to see my free standing shade canopy tumbling down the campground road, with the two propane tanks I had secured it to, still attached. (This place is known for sudden 40~60 mph winds.) Club members still chuckle about seeing me running down the road in my underwear at 3:00 AM, chasing my canopy.