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The Ethoi and the future!

Started by NebSteve, 07/13/2009 06:13PM
Posted 07/13/2009 06:13PM Opening Post
The Ethoi lived on the surface, and were a kind and helpful people.

Anyway, for the "Big MAK" I've got the wide field and mid range covered. For moderate magnification, the 13mm Ethos did in fact edge its way past my old 12mm type 2 Nagler. I'd like to thank those on this forum who gave their helpful advice. I should listen more often.

Now for the high magnification work. Here in Arizona we might lack humidity (well we have some NOW) but usually our hot days result in some serious convection currents at night. So, bad seeing is more common this time of year, and I can't find time to observe.

My 8mm Radian (at 333x) only shows me a good view five or six nights a year, so I dove into the bank account for a nice used 9mm Nagler (298x) and should start comparing to two when weather permits.

Have any of you done this comparison? If so (and under clear skies) please share.

I can say the 8mm Radian is no slouch. There was only one oddity. I noticed on two that I've had a chance to use the barrels were loose. They were easy to tighten up again. A minor problem, but it might put people off a bit.

Good to hear the 13 Ethos performs well with a Barlow, but I'd like to stick to less glass if possible. Haven't had a chance to look through a Tak 7.5 LE either.

Posted 07/13/2009 09:51PM #1
Steve, can't help you with the Radian-Nagler comparison. However I can report that a Tak LE is like looking through a soda straw after using an Ethos. Nevertheless, binoviewed 5LE's are still my preferred planetary setup.
