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Sky Commander Question

Started by tbennett, 07/15/2012 08:53AM
Posted 07/15/2012 08:53AM | Edited 07/15/2012 08:56AM Opening Post
Hi All,

My first attempt at using Sky Commander XP4 on a Dob resulted in limited success. At first everything appears to work as advertised but pointing errors got progressively worse with time. After reading the manual more closely, I think the Sidereal Clock has been turned "off" for use on an equatorial platform and that’s why my non-platform errors get worse with time.

The manual indicates that there should be setup screens as follows: (1) Scope Mount; (2) Hemisphere; (3) RA Direction; (4) Dec Direction; (5) RA Encoder Res; (6) Dec Encoder Res; (7) Fast Track ON/OFF; (8) Sidereal Clock; (9) RS232 Baud Rate; and (10) SiTech Mode. So screen 8 is the one that needs to be turned from “off” to “on”.

But my Sky Commander only seems to display screens 1 through 6 while scrolling using the up and down arrows. Screens 7 through 10 are nowhere to be found. Does anyone know how to access screens 7 through 10 on Sky Commander or could my unit be defective somehow?

Thanks, Tom
Posted 07/16/2012 05:19PM #1

Can't answer your question but SC has an active users group. I'm sure you can get your answer there:
