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Re: Oberwerk 22x100 likes and dislikes

Started by jonisaacs, 02/03/2004 09:40AM
Posted 02/03/2004 09:40AM Opening Post
>I would recomend it over buying a $400 telescope.

This must depend on which $400 telescope.... For that $400 you can buy an 8 inch DOB which will be much more flexible than the binoculars, not only doing the DSOs in detail but providing some pretty amazing planetary views as well.

Posted 02/03/2004 04:02PM #1
That's very true Jon, but it comes down to how you like to observe. Two eye comfort with amazing wide field views of both arcs of the Veil, surrounded by star fields or close up detail on Jupiter. Different strokes for different folks. That's why I own both!