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Re: Ignored By Seller

Started by jonisaacs, 08/13/2003 01:02PM
Posted 08/13/2003 01:02PM Opening Post
Sal wrote>>>I have attempted to contact a veteran Amart seller in good standing twice over a period of about 24hrs, only to be completely ignored. Well now it appears he has pulled his ad from Amart (is that possible?)

It really ticks me off when someone doesn't have the common courtesy to reply to a response to an ad he places in a public forum. It wouldn't have to be a long reply, but the inquirer shouldn't be ignored.

I am itching to give this guy a dissatisfactory rating. What would you do?

So now that Mr. Glenn Perlow has indeed let us know what is apparently the other side of the story, I hope you have learned something about yourself.

As for giving someone a bad rating because they did not respond, my, my, my......

As far as the Glenn Perlow goes, I have corresponded with him a time or two, yeah, he's the real thing, a typical Astromart reputatble guy who doesn't play games.

I think you owe him an apology, but in either case, mostly I hope you have learned a lesson here and can avoid putting yourself and others through this again.
