Image of the day

Captured by
Herb Bubert

Rosette nebula

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Re: "Appliance" Operators?

Started by jonisaacs, 12/15/2003 02:39PM
Posted 12/15/2003 02:39PM Opening Post
An interesting perspective, certainly good astrophotography requires good equipment. Compared to many other hobbies, well, $5000 for a scope and $5000 for a mount is a small investment, cars, boats, you name it. Heck, I have a neighobor who told me on a normal weekend his $50,000 boat will burn $400-$500 dollars worth of fuel.... A Nalger a weekend...

Another interesting fact to consider: the ultimate Astrophotography ATM, my vote... Roland Christen

In the 70s an amateur astronomer dissatisfied with the current state of equipment, he starts a company to build stuff so that he himself can have the equipment to take the pictures that he wants to take.

Go to the TeleVue website, the Celestron Website, the Meade Website, how many of those have photos taken by the owner, CEO etc?

Look at the AP website, lots of photos by RC.

Personally I am thrifty (read that cheap), but what I see is that because of people like RC the equipment to take those high quality photos does exist and while it does cost a pretty penny, it will essentially last forever and is not expensive when compared to other pursuits.

Jon Isaacs