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BT80 vs Miyauchi 20x77

Started by Mikeflies, 12/03/2004 07:34PM
Posted 12/03/2004 07:34PM Opening Post
Hi folks,

Looking to move into the binocular world. Any thoughts on the Orion BT80 vs the Miyauchi midsize binocs. Thanks

Mike Freeman
Posted 12/05/2004 09:36AM #1
Hi Mike, I have both. The BTs are more of a binotelescope with a narrower field of view and much larger & heavier than the Exceed BS-77i. The Miyauchi are smaller, lighter and more of a traditional "binocular". The Miyauchi only allow 20x & 30x with their EPs. The BTs use standard 1 1/4" EPs. I've used the BTs with 7mm Naglers and 8mm Radians and they hold up the image fairly well. My 6mm Carl Zeiss A-6 starts to break down in all but the best seeing conditions with the BTs. The BTs surprisingly have better Yellow Fringe characterisitcs than the Miyauchi but a pair of low Minus Violet filters (MV-1, quality UV camera like B&W) help the BTs on bright objects like the moon, especially at higher powers. The Miyauchis I have were purchased in late 2003. I sent them back because of the extreme amount of Yellow "Fringe" on really bright objects like the moon. The 2nd pair was checked and 'verified' "perfect". They do the same thing. Really bright objects give you a strong Yellow Fringe.
Overall the Miyauchi's have better Objective lenses than the BT-80Ms as far as Contrast and Definition as well as a wider field of view. For fun I mounted the Miyauchi's on a Meade 2000 Goto Mount atop a TV panorama tripod. Nice combination and a great attraction at public star parties. Each of these binoculars will have their own advocates depending on what they're looking for. Wide view binocular style or heavier telescope style. Your chioce. Hope this helps. Clear Skies, WD0FLX