Hi all,
Just got myself a very good used but fantastic condition Shrine Manon 60mm X 700mm fl. telescope. There is not one thing wrong with the scope. It has 2 ep's. a 20mm and a 5mm, a 2 X Japan barlow, and what I think is the erector prism. It say's E P-7. It has the wooden hinged box, the bottom is scuffed up but in great shape.
I got home a little after midnight and rushed to put it together, 10 min. later I had it outside and my first target was sirius to set the finder scope. Very beautiful, no spikes or coma and believe it or not I didn't notice any color. I may have been too excited but usually the color will stand out on sirius with no mistaking it. Still trying to hurry because cloud's way off in the distance, looked straight up at Mar's, could see some detail with the 5mm but hard to track. The little .965 ep didn't have much afov but was perfectly clear. I moved back down to M42 and was absolute pinpoint star's. I was using the 20mm on this target and the nebula was beautiful. Finall I tried it out on M37, the star's in this one is dimmer but I could see all of them.
The optic's in this scope are fantastic. Knowing I wasn't going to let anyone have this scope, I had already ordered a hybrid diagonal and switched them out and put a regular celestron ep in it. You could see the quality had dropped, still great view's but different.
I hope the pic downloads, just look over me, I'm a little excited about the view's I got and about having this treasure from the past. One more thing, the optic's in the Sear's refractor are fabulous but the focuser isn't much good. So I thought I would replace the Meade 60mm F11 achro I had to settle for a few year's ago that I put in my Unitron. But I have the Sear's refractor looking nice and getting some good view's with it as well
Just got myself a very good used but fantastic condition Shrine Manon 60mm X 700mm fl. telescope. There is not one thing wrong with the scope. It has 2 ep's. a 20mm and a 5mm, a 2 X Japan barlow, and what I think is the erector prism. It say's E P-7. It has the wooden hinged box, the bottom is scuffed up but in great shape.
I got home a little after midnight and rushed to put it together, 10 min. later I had it outside and my first target was sirius to set the finder scope. Very beautiful, no spikes or coma and believe it or not I didn't notice any color. I may have been too excited but usually the color will stand out on sirius with no mistaking it. Still trying to hurry because cloud's way off in the distance, looked straight up at Mar's, could see some detail with the 5mm but hard to track. The little .965 ep didn't have much afov but was perfectly clear. I moved back down to M42 and was absolute pinpoint star's. I was using the 20mm on this target and the nebula was beautiful. Finall I tried it out on M37, the star's in this one is dimmer but I could see all of them.
The optic's in this scope are fantastic. Knowing I wasn't going to let anyone have this scope, I had already ordered a hybrid diagonal and switched them out and put a regular celestron ep in it. You could see the quality had dropped, still great view's but different.
I hope the pic downloads, just look over me, I'm a little excited about the view's I got and about having this treasure from the past. One more thing, the optic's in the Sear's refractor are fabulous but the focuser isn't much good. So I thought I would replace the Meade 60mm F11 achro I had to settle for a few year's ago that I put in my Unitron. But I have the Sear's refractor looking nice and getting some good view's with it as well
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