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High Power Green Lasers

Started by jonisaacs, 11/12/2003 06:50PM
Posted 11/12/2003 06:50PM Opening Post

Just wondering if you know that Z-bolt seems to be advertising on Astromart lasers for use as pointers that are Class IIIB ie greater than 5mw. According to Laser Safety Protocal, such a laser can cause eye damage and should not be used without adequate protection.


Posted 11/12/2003 07:44PM #1
I guess they better be concerned then - did you email them?

Posted 11/13/2003 12:52AM #2
I believe is up to the company selling these things to make sure that they have provided proper safety instructions along with them and that they are appropriate for their intended use. Using a class III laser as pointers violates safety regulations.

A class III laser can cause eye damage to not only the person using the laser but others who may not even be aware that the laser is in use. It can damage your eye before your eye is able to react.

Jon Isaacs
Posted 12/03/2003 02:04PM #3

I think you will find that they are selling the high powered laser pointers as "OEM" devices.

They list on their site that they are only sold for "Professional Use" and if you read further they state that they are being sold to "incorporate into the users project".

So offically they are not being sold as pointers...but as components. Yet they mention that they are much more easily viewed. So I am not sure.

I think the price tag will probably keep most folks away.

Just my 2 cents.
