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Odd Request - Looking for a partner to provide 12-17in iDK/CDK in Southern Hemisphere

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Hello all,
Not sure if such a request is allowed in here. If it is - I am looking to partner with someone who can supply either an iDK/CDK or an RCOS between 12.5in to 17in. Ideally, this will be for set up in Southern Hemisphere - I am open to either Chile or Australia. I have an AP1200 (and additional accessories including plenty of CWs, APCC Pro) that is not getting any usage and I would like to change that. I also have an unused QHY268M/FW/OAG + unused Antlia 36mm LRGB and 2.8nm SHO filters (if we need to move to AD/Chroma, I am open to buying those as well).

Let me know if anyone is interested and I will be happy to share my contact information for us to chat over phone. 

You can look up my work on Astrobin (dhavalbbhatt) and also my rating in here or on CN. Needless to say, all transactions will be conducted in the most professional manner, including documented agreements/contracts.
