Image of the day

Captured by
Alexander DiNota

M42 Orion and Running Man Nebulae

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Losmandy StarLapse AstroTrac Hybrid Rig

Posted by Dan Pollock 11/21/2014 08:00AM

Losmandy StarLapse AstroTrac Hybrid Rig

Take one part StarLapse and two parts Astrotrac and this is what you get.

Rob Miller's TRI36M and accessories.

Posted by Richard Keppler 02/19/2012 08:42PM

Rob Miller's TRI36M and accessories.

More information on the Rob Miller tripods and currently available accessories.

TRI36L tripod from Rob Miller

Posted by Richard Keppler 06/15/2011 07:41PM

TRI36L tripod from Rob Miller

Need a reasonably priced and elegant tripod for your mount? Your old tripod or pier is starting to feel more like a set of barbells? Are you tired of taking it apart, storing all the parts, lugging it around and putting it all back together only to find that you left the knobs that hold the legs on at home? Check out Rob Miller’s new series of tripods.

A poor man's Vixen dovetail clamp

Posted by Malcolm Bird 03/14/2010 08:00AM

A poor man's Vixen dovetail clamp

or how a commercially induced near heart attach led to an idea..

AstroTrac TT320 Review

Posted by Mike Overacker 01/30/2008 08:00AM

AstroTrac TT320 Review

The AstroTrac TT320 is the new kid on the block for AstroPhotography. Should you get it? Read and find out.

Star wars...

Posted by Ed Moreno 10/27/2006 07:00AM

AutoStar Vs. NexStar

Venus Optics Imager Tripod

Posted by Richard Hennig 07/04/2006 10:41PM

Venus Optics Imager Tripod

Focusing a DSLR or a webcam is a challenge and required a lot of patience when you use the aluminum tripod that comes with many mounts. When a friend of mine, Alex Choy, told me that he started designing and manufacturing a replacement tripod for the GP mount and its clones, I jumped at the opportunity and asked him to send me one to replace my aluminum tripod and to test it for astrophotography.

Dan's Pier Plates

Posted by john dull 03/18/2006 08:00AM

Dan's Pier Plates

Solid and Steady and adjustable pier plate

DUP-S Comparison..Losmandy & Socal Astro Assys

Posted by Tom Simmons 08/17/2005 07:00AM

DUP-S Comparison..Losmandy & Socal Astro Assys

Just about to pick up a Short Universal Plate?

TeleVue X-Y Adjustable Accessory Mount

Posted by Wayne Gay 01/23/2005 08:00AM

TeleVue X-Y Adjustable Accessory Mount

Want to mount your TV-60 to your SCT, this might be the mount for you.

Give Your Losmandy a Lift

Posted by Clayton Cramer 11/25/2004 08:00AM

Give Your Losmandy a Lift

Tired of lying on the ground to look through your refractor?