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TRI36L tripod from Rob Miller
Need a reasonably priced and elegant tripod for your mount? Your old tripod or pier is starting to feel more like a set of barbells? Are you tired of taking it apart, storing all the parts, lugging it around and putting it all back together only to find that you left the knobs that hold the legs on at home? Check out Rob Miller’s new series of tripods.
Star wars...
AutoStar Vs. NexStar
Venus Optics Imager Tripod
Focusing a DSLR or a webcam is a challenge and required a lot of patience when you use the aluminum tripod that comes with many mounts. When a friend of mine, Alex Choy, told me that he started designing and manufacturing a replacement tripod for the GP mount and its clones, I jumped at the opportunity and asked him to send me one to replace my aluminum tripod and to test it for astrophotography.