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Captured by
Alexander DiNota

M42 Orion and Running Man Nebulae

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71mm to 300mm

Kowa Highlander Prominar

Posted by john raymond 03/06/2012 08:00AM

Kowa Highlander Prominar

One of the best binoculars available today.


Posted by Jawaid Abbasi 12/06/2010 08:00AM


Although, The full review and other reviews can be found at link but I am also posting here for other audiance whose interest in Binocular Astronomy.

It's the real thing - Garrett Optical 25x100 Giants

Posted by Art Fritzson 03/24/2006 08:00AM

It's the real thing - Garrett Optical 25x100 Giants

Buying, using and living with these impressive looking giant binoculars from Garrett Optical - the new kid on the block.

A Quick Look with Orion Explorer 25x100 Binoculars

Posted by Joplin Motisher-Chittenden 11/13/2005 08:00AM

A Quick Look with Orion Explorer 25x100 Binoculars

How big are the views in these GIANT binoculars ?

Oberwerk 20X80 and Oberwerk 12X60 Binocular Review

Posted by Wing Eng 10/31/2004 07:00AM

Oberwerk 20X80 and Oberwerk 12X60 Binocular Review

Ode to New (Binos) by Wing Eng These new 20X80’s that came from Oberwerk, Kevin, Make me feel as if I’m in viewing heaven! That glittering Expanse of wonders, my beckoning call, Amidst the snowy slopes of Boreal!