Image of the day

Captured by
Alexander DiNota

M42 Orion and Running Man Nebulae

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My Celestial Jewel Box – The Guy Pirro 888 Best and Brightest Deep Sky Objects in the Northern Skies

Posted by Guy Pirro 09/26/2024 03:40AM

My Celestial Jewel Box – The Guy Pirro 888 Best and Brightest Deep Sky Objects in the Northern Skies

This is my personal deep sky observing list. I use it to line up my DSO targets on any particular night. Over the years I’ve referred to an earlier version of this list in my monthly night sky postings on Astromart. During that time I’ve received a number of requests from readers to make the complete list available in one place, so here it is (updated) for your use and enjoyment. I hope you find it useful.