Image of the day

Captured by
Alexander DiNota

M42 Orion and Running Man Nebulae

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Stellarvue BV3: Binoeyes on the Skies

Posted by Rod Kaufman 01/20/2007 08:00AM

Stellarvue BV3: Binoeyes on the Skies

Take it from a man who has never been a binoviewer fan, this is a binoviewer for people who don't like binoviewers...

22mm Siebert Black Night Dielectric

Posted by Manuel Reyes 12/01/2005 08:00AM

I am having a lot of fun with this binoviewer while I wait for my 45mm Elite to be finished so here's my story.

First light with my Burgess Binoviewers

Posted by Enrico Africa 09/27/2005 07:00AM

Will these entry-level binoviewers turn this imager back into the fold of the visual observers?

My "First Light" with a Denkmeier Standard

Posted by Jeremy Davis 06/22/2005 07:00AM

My first night out with my Denkmeier Standard and Dual Arm p-s-x.

Siebert 2" Binos Followup - Now for Saturn

Posted by Jason Davis 01/24/2005 08:00AM

Siebert 2" Binos Followup - Now for Saturn

2" Binos and DSOs... nailed 'em. But how about 2" binos and Saturn?

The Burgess Binoviwer

Posted by Rod Mollise 11/07/2004 08:00AM

The Burgess Binoviwer

What does your Old Uncle Rod think of the Bargain Basement Burgess Binoviewer (it's Alliteration Day)?

Denkmeier II Binoviewer with Dual Arm Power Switch

Posted by Tom Hole 10/24/2004 07:00AM

Denkmeier II Binoviewer with Dual Arm Power Switch

A long winded diatribe detailing why I went from three binoviewers to one. The other contenders were my Denkmeier Standards and Televue Binovues.

AP/Baader Planetarium Mark V in Fast Newtonian

Posted by Milton Wilcox 09/24/2004 07:00AM

AP/Baader Planetarium Mark V in Fast Newtonian

With apologies to John Hiatt, it's been a slow turning...

Siebert Optics true 2" Binoviewers - On Another Level

Posted by Jason Davis 09/15/2004 07:00AM

Siebert Optics true 2" Binoviewers - On Another Level

Question: What do you get when you cross the formidable Celestron 14" SCT, true 2" binoviewers and a pair of 22mm Naglers? Answer: The most awesome portable visual astronomy setups in the world.

Binomate binoviewer / 100mm f/6 achromat package

Posted by Tom Dove 08/26/2004 07:00AM

Double vision (in the best sense) at a bargain price.

The Return of the Denkmeier

Posted by Rod Mollise 06/07/2004 07:00AM

The Return of the Denkmeier

Recently, the good folk at Denkmeier Optical asked if I'd like to borrow one of their demo units for some further testing...