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Despite Ten-fold Increase in Sensitivity, LUX Fails to Detect Dark Matter

02/24/2014 04:40PM

Despite Ten-fold Increase in Sensitivity, LUX Fails to Detect Dark Matter

Dark matter is thought to account for about 80 percent of the mass of the universe. Though it has not yet been detected directly, its existence is a near certainty among physicists. Without the gravitational influence of dark matter, galaxies and galaxy clusters would simply fly apart into the vastness of space. It's not clear exactly what dark matter is, but the leading idea is that it consists of subatomic particles called WIMPs, short for Weakly Interacting Massive Particles. WIMPs are thought to be practically ubiquitous in the universe, but because they interact so rarely with other forms of matter, they generally pass right through the Earth and everything in it without anyone knowing it. A new calibration of the Large Underground Xenon (LUX) Dark Matter Detector brought a ten-fold increase in calibration accuracy, yet failed to detect dark matter. If low-mass WIMP particles had passed through the detector, LUX would have found them.


  • AstroCorgi [Robert Boulanger]
  • 03/08/2014 03:17PM
All they have to do is look in the mirror. <br><br>Low Mass WIMPS!<br><br>I know, that was weak, and kind of wimpy. <br><br>Ok, back to viewing

Read "Light, Gravity, Magnetism, and Dots", by R.A.Besse if you want to know what they are missing. Dark Matter is an incorrect term. It sounds cool to get grant money, but matter by definition has at least one electron, proton, and neutron (Hydrogen being the smallest). Anything smaller would be a subset, unstable fractional part (ions), or something else (Dots) perhaps. <br><br>What they are looking for is hard to detect, because it (Dots) fill in all spaces including the spaces between matter. This is how matter (atoms), light, gravity, magnetism all work.<br><br>The work done with the new multi-billion dollar particle collider has detected them (tiny momentary black holes)they just haven't figured out what they are looking at yet. Researchers are too focused on finding the "God Particle" and have missed the main event (Black Hole= Ultra Low Dot Density), that will explain everything. The bridge between Quantum and classical mechanical physics. No magic just kinetic energy. This is how what one may refer to as anti-gravity works, by matching and controlling the resonance frequency of the Dots.