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Takahashi TSA 102S

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Please read reviews of this scope, it is a fantastic scope! 

"The Takahashi TSA-102S is the consummate visual 4-inch refractor. With its f/8 focal ratio, false color is nonexistent, and other aberrations are beyond detection. Image sharpness and contrast is better (at least by a small degree) than that of any ED doublet telescope, the AP Traveler, TV NP101, and WO ZS110. Tak’s own FS-102 fluorite (now discontinued) is very close, but falls a bit short in color correction. Only the Tak FSQ-106 is its full equal."

The scope working through Land Sea and Sky has just been serviced by Takahashi in Japan.  Objective lens was removed, disasembled cleaned and calibrated/colimated($1900.00 maintenace can provide reciepts with scope).  Comes with orginal support rings, feather touch manual focuser, manual rotator, scope end caps, misc visual adapters and hard case.  This scope is pristine.  I have changed scopes(TAK FSQ106 edx4) and no longer in need of this one.  Buyer pays shipping cost and PayPal fees.